Mula kay Philline

Dear Human,

this is the page of a mother who sent her child to the ocean as she travels, a child who has been the ocean’s since birth, and a woman who is named after the same land that loved her: philippines.

More than anything, I hope this inspires you to realize your own world as you go through mine in designs that share my own in my own language and a relaxed manner. enjoy it silly and sometimes serious— more than anything, feel it. integrate.


BLESSED to be raised with the experience of my mother’s most soulful parts for my first three years, I was raised to find god in everything. Spirit is a daily recognition by and for nature, our prayers being our palms to tree trunks, and flowers that speak to us.

beyond religion, we just believed in life.

This kind of experience stuck with me forever even through the situations of abuse and violence I’ve needed to go through as a kid, my teenage years finding the strength and wisdom to stir her life in a direction founded in the very teachings i had at an early age to live a life in search,

or rather, in deep creation for freedom through big life decisions, and private adversities conquered that will remain sacredly withdrawn from spaces that don’t guarantee understanding and respect to my truth.

I followed the path of my heart interested the most in deepening what i used to only do in the bathroom i considered my room in the single bedroom i shared with my boilogical family for 14 years— sing, dance, and create. Interested the most in fusing almost all the endeavors in one (healing, learning techniques, understanding how to sustain myself through it and was it possible, who am i, and who can i be), I stumbled upon Daloy’s page in 2013, eventually planting that seed in my brain to come to their studio that time with the naivite and the grit of a weird teenage girl wanting to dance despite having never been to a dance class. through a series of multiple comedic but also melodramatic events, somehow i was given a chance to have the internship slash the scholarship benefits without the obligations of one after an on-the-spot audition within a company class. it’s funnier to share this story in person.

years in that company opened my mind up to the deeper parts of performance, and especially movement. This fused with my long-time love and actual background in muay thai since kid-teen, and the hears of embracing the art and science of it, venturing then to freediving, exploring more styles and discovering ballroom in 2019 and so forth throughout the years of my life, I dedicated a hug chunk of my being and lifestyle to studying and trusting the genuine growth that I felt in my Soul just by being honest about what i want to learn and how, being open to Life revealing to me later how that will form and materialize to become what even sustained me financially at one point.

Travel and nature became a significant part of all of my unconscious and conscious research. Every journey I went on as a woman fully informed my child self’s questions of how i will continue to raise myself and my son, who is actually my little brother, rocky, and eventually share my gift

to this world.

Dama at langkap is the baby of all of my movement history, my developed instincts and wisdom of self-practice and the curriculae and path I designed for my own healing of the body, mind and soul especially in pertaining to the impacts sexual trauma has left me. This expanded through teachers like Resmaa Menakem, The Breathe Network, and Haylin through scholarships and scholarships. My education was constant through “Diskarte” and scholarships I worked hard for and mean the dream for to become Bigger for everything…

The pandemic actually gave me this space to feel and align with the zest that was built through time. My confidence only truly came from both my willingness to be real and vulnerable despite what is possible in others’ perceptions, as well as hard-earned lessons and experiences that keep bringing me to my truth. Being rooted and dedicated to the Truth, especially when I’m alone, fortified the Spirit to share my story with my body, words, and the space we mostly were in the pandemic. Blessed with the variety of communities I got to explore much with safely, growing up showed me the importance of family to me, and what really mattered— shifting me completely from who I thought I was going to be forever (a hyperindependent overachiever in the style of streetsmart and stealth) to a mother who owns her past and integrated that in her life, whose work has gone past the questions i had for myself only, and a love that keeps becoming open to be as integrated to my body as it wants to be with this universe’s.

my dedication and love is to stay rooted and in Love with Life… to be full and recognizing wholeness everytime in every person i meet or even hold space for in certain containers, and to live my truth in deicsion to Earth.

That’s it for now… because I feel that I’m not one to desire to share who I am through mere paragraphs but will attempt to for those who came across this and would genuinely be able to bridge things together.

I’d rather we connect beyond this wordy introduction.

I’ll be around. Mostly offline, but i announce and kept some archival posts that shared my truth that time Here:


Thank you for reaching this point. I love you!



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